
Heavatar is the classical inspired metal band revolving around VAN CANTO mastermind Stefan Schmidt (vocals, guitar), drummer Jörg Michael (former Stratovarius), Sebastian Scharf (lead guitars), Daniel Wicke (bass)… and some of the greatest classical composers of all time. Unlike other classic-meets-metal projects, the purpose of Heavatar is not in just adapting classical compositions to new instrumentations. It is not writing a metal song and having some orchestra playing along. Heavatar’s music is an answer to the question “What would it sound like, if Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and friends joined a metal band?”. The classical composer’s impact ranges from a single melody to a riff, a song structure, a harmony or even a lyrical inspiration – always picked up and thrown back by the band members, creating a unique, riff-oriented sound with some classical feel underneath.
